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Our Courses - Overview

As the name already states this course deals with the creation of a start-up, based on deep-tech innovation. Over the course of the semester you will create a businessplan. The best ones will be supported to apply for the "Senkrechtstarter" competition, which awards the best businessplan with up to 15.000€.​

For more information check here, visit the VVZ​, have look into the HTBS-Knowledge Base or write an e-mail to

In this hands-on course you will work with software defined radios and state-of-the-art wireless sensing technologies. The knowledge will not only be imparted theoretically in the lectures and exercises but the assignments which have to be worked on at home ensure that the knowledge is applied practically. For example, you will develop parts of a machine learning framework to distinguish Smartphones based on their digital Fingerprint or implement quantizers to extract a key from the wireless channel. You will also perform measurements and have to opportunity to visit the fully echoic chamber of the RUB.

For more information check here, visit the VVZ [bachelor/master], have a look into the WPLS-Knowledge Base or write an e-mail to

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